15 July, 2008


painful vibrations
rattle the cobwebs
caught in the eyes of the house

dust gently parts between rotting floorboards
and ectoplasmic fingertips
disturb the crooked picture frames

the nameless faces hold their gaze

the weight of this presence weighs steadily
upon an unstable foundation
and the frames sigh
in a soft frustration
shifting the wooden structure

without a spirit
it remains
just a house

but the eventual cracking of beams
fogs up every cracked window
so it disintegrates in its pa[i]n[e]
crumbling in fear

and i know you will break me
suck dry the electricity lingering in my walls
little of which remains

without you
my tangibility will become
terribly too obvious

but at least there will be something left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi aimee,
i liked you poem! And your blog ;)
Keep posting,